Our outdoor sculpture artists

For our online gallery, we’ve handpicked both well-established and promising contemporary outdoor sculpture artists from all around the world.

Ani Svami

Ani Svami is an established multidisciplinary artist from Kiev who has been working primarily in sculpture and outdoor installations …

150 150 Ani Svami

Olivie Dvořáková

Olivia Dvořáková is an artist and photographer who has found a way to apply photography directly to concrete. Thanks …

150 150 Olivie Dvořáková

Pavel Cupák

“As far back as I can remember, all I had to do was put a pencil and a blank …

150 150 Pavel Cupák
Sochy Tři grácie | Radek Andrle | Flera Gallery

Radek Andrle

Metal and cement transformed into female figures of all imaginable sizes.

150 150 Radek Andrle

David Černý

Stainless steel at its finest.

150 150 David Černý

Zuzana Čížková

Tradiční kamenosochařství se setkává s cynickým dnešním světem.

150 150 Zuzana Čížková

Jan Dostál

Dynamic metal sculptures that seem to be in constant movement.

150 150 Jan Dostál

Martin Dzurek

Martin’s works are stories within stories. Stop for a moment and listen to them.

150 150 Martin Dzurek

Carole Feuerman

Hyperrealist sculptures that you’ll probably mistake for actual people.

150 150 Carole Feuerman
Sochy Sedící figury | Jakub Flejšar | Flera Gallery

Jakub Flejšar

Jakub Flejsar creates friendly-looking human figures with natural materials.

150 150 Jakub Flejšar
Sochy Bronzoví žraloci | Michal Gabriel | Flera Gallery

Michal Gabriel

Almost living sculptures of animals and figures for landscape and city streets.

150 150 Michal Gabriel
Sochy jeřábů | Flera Gallery z pořadu Ferdinandovy zahrady

Flera Gallery

Působiví sólo a ještě víc v páru. Takoví jsou tihle romantičtí jeřábi.

150 150 Flera Gallery

Matěj Hájek

Sympatické spojení mezi uměním a zábavou, takové jsou landscape kousky Matěje Hájka.

150 150 Matěj Hájek

Cyril Hančl

Keramika v zahradě ještě nikdy nebyla tak hravá, barevná a mnohotvará.

150 150 Cyril Hančl
Socha Torus | David Harber | Flera Gallery

David Harber

Here comes the very legend of garden art: David Harber and his unique garden sculptures, benches, fire pits, and water features.

150 150 David Harber
Jaime Hayon Garden | Jaime Hayon | Flera Gallery

Jaime Hayon

Here comes the world-famous design genius. Let’s play!

150 150 Jaime Hayon
Socha Ruka | Monika Horčicová | Flera Gallery

Monika Horčicová

Monika’s works reflect her fascination with the human body and its bones.

150 150 Monika Horčicová
Socha Free Francis | Libor Hurda | Flera Gallery

Libor Hurda

An artisan blacksmith who draws inspiration from literature and mythology.

150 150 Libor Hurda

Anna Hulačová

Moderní figury inspirované mytologií, východní filozofií i českými tradicemi.

150 150 Anna Hulačová
Socha Myslitel | Martin Janecký | Flera Gallery

Martin Janecký

To shape a glowing glass bubble from the inside is a technique few artists can master.

150 150 Martin Janecký

Jiří Kašpar

Intriguing sculptures that always have a hidden, surprising side to them.

150 150 Jiří Kašpar

Jaroslav Koléšek

Pod útokem umění, tak se budete cítit v blízkosti Koléškových dynamických soch.

150 150 Jaroslav Koléšek
Sochy The Blue Spot Obsession | K2 | Jan Kovařík | Flera Gallery

Jan Kovářík

Sculptures that come from another world. They’re abstract, but still realistic and vivid.

150 150 Jan Kovářík
Socha Rodina | Milan Kuzica | Flera Gallery

Milan Kuzica

Art on the brink of kitsch. These wild forms and vivid colours will be hard to miss in your garden. This is Milan Kuzica.

150 150 Milan Kuzica

Pavlína Kvita

Amorphic and dynamic sculptures by Pavlina Kvita.

150 150 Pavlína Kvita

Tomáš Medek

Monumental sculptures made with 3D printing and other modern technologies.

150 150 Tomáš Medek
Socha | Stefan Milkov | Flera Gallery

Stefan Milkov

Sculptures that revive and rediscover ancient Christian myths and motifs.

150 150 Stefan Milkov

Nikola Mojsl

Elaborated figurative sculptures made of steel sheets and parts.

150 150 Nikola Mojsl
Socha Urbantree Negativ | Ondřej Oliva | Flera Gallery

Ondřej Oliva

A celebration of perfect geometry and elegant details in bronze.

150 150 Ondřej Oliva
Socha Red Cherry | Lisa Pappon | Flera Gallery

Lisa Pappon

These mouth-watering sculptures will satiate anyone who hungers for inspiring art.

150 150 Lisa Pappon

Nika Pločka

Traditional ceramic sculptures that reflect the modern world’s issues.

150 150 Nika Pločka

Veronika Psotková

Ethereal sculptures that seem to float freely in the air.

150 150 Veronika Psotková

Lukáš Rais

You’ll lose yourself in these intricate sculptures with no beginning and no end.

150 150 Lukáš Rais

Jaroslav Róna

Fanciful and playful sculptures with a touch of ethnic spirit and a lot of personality.

150 150 Jaroslav Róna

Magdaléna Roztočilová

Thought-provoking sculptures you need to spend some with to fully understand.

150 150 Magdaléna Roztočilová

Jiří Sobotka

Playful, thought-provoking sculptures that always turn out to be something more than expected. Meet Jiri Sobotka.

150 150 Jiří Sobotka

Petr Soudek

Dřevěné sochy, které si ještě pamatují, když byly stromem.

150 150 Petr Soudek

Jiří Středa

Jiri Streda’s sculptures are so cute, it’s hard to dislike them.

150 150 Jiří Středa
Flera Gallery | Michal Sykora

Michal Sýkora

Garden sculptures that enchanted Ferdinand Leffler, Flera Gallery founder.

150 150 Michal Sýkora

Michal Trpák

Provocative and dreamy sculptures that tell stories within stories.

150 150 Michal Trpák

Pavla Vachunová

Oblíbené struktury a glazury keramičky Pavly Vachunové konečně dorazily do zahrady.

150 150 Pavla Vachunová

Etienne Viard

These simple geometric shapes made of weathering steel question the boundaries of human-made material.

150 150 Etienne Viard
Socha Vlasta | Ladislav Vlna | Flera Gallery

Ladislav Vlna

Sculptures realistic enough to mistake for real people.

150 150 Ladislav Vlna

Jiří Vyvial

Přírodní dřevo v ladných liniích, které lákají vaši ruku k dotyku.

150 150 Jiří Vyvial

Saša Zahradník

Poetic, lyrical and classically beautiful. In short, bronze cast in graceful curves.

150 150 Saša Zahradník